Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sweet Potato Fennel Soup

I had a few Sweet pototoes lying around and felt they needed to marry the fennel.

4 Sweet Potatoes
1 Fennel
3 Cloves Garlic
1 small yellow onion
1 Tbsp Paprik
1 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Nutmeg
1/2 Tsp Carmondon
1 pint Veggie Stalk
dash of ground Clove
Salt and Pepper to taste
a few fennel seeds for sharpness.

Browned fennel, onion and garlic together. Once carmelized, add all spices stir. Add Sweet Potatoes until the edges begin to glaze. Push aside all ingredients and deglaze. I deglazed the pan with Brooklyn Lager, about 1/2 cup. wait until a thick sauce has formed, add stock. Bring to boil and simmier for 40-60 mins, unitl sweet potatoes are tender but not mush. Puree, I used an emersion handheld blender, but whatever you have will do.